Mission Statement/Policies

Mission and Goals Statements
The mission of the Oakland Public Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful and professional. 

The general goals of the Oakland Public Library shall be:

1.     To serve all residents of the community and surrounding area. 

2.     To acquire and make available to all residents of the aforementioned area such books, periodicals, pamphlets and other services as will address their needs to:
·         become well informed
·         locate answers to their questions
·         cultivate imagination and creative expression
·         develop skills for career and vocational advancement
·         enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media series

3.      To acquire the means to provide the most frequently requested material locally and upon demand.

4.     To maintain a program of service which locates information, guides reading, organizes and interprets material for people of various backgrounds, and stimulates thinking and intellectual development in individuals of any age.

5.     To strive consistently to discover new methods and improvements for better service for the library’s customers.

6.     To review regularly these goals of the Oakland Public Library and, if necessary, revise them in the light of new developments.

Oakland Public Library Policies

A.   Confidentiality of Library Records
The Library Board of the Oakland Public Library recognizes its circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific materials to be confidential in nature.
All librarians and library employees are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government except to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative power.
The board shall resist issuance of enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction. (In other words, upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, the library’s board will consult with their legal counsel or the city attorney to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, they will insist that such defects be cured.)
In accordance with Nebraska state law, library records are confidential; however, the federal USA Patriot Act requires the library to provide access to those records when requested with the appropriate authorization. If information is requested, the USA Patriot Act will prohibit the library from notifying the patron of the request. To preserve the confidentiality of records, the library retains personally identifiable information only as long as needed to manage library services. 

(Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 7-7-10, effective same)

B.   Behavior Policy
 To ensure the safety and positive experiences for all who work in and visit the Oakland Public library, the following Behavior Policy has been created.  The library is designed for the use of all members of the public. Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to use the library for its intended purpose.  
Persons using the library shall: 
  • Accompany and supervise children under the age of 11. Parents, not library staff, are responsible for their children’s safety and behavior. Children who come into the library alone must be old enough to conduct themselves in a quiet manner that does not disturb other patrons. Running or jumping in the library will not be allowed. Patrons who refuse to observe this policy will be asked to leave the library.

  • Monitor personal belongings.  The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in or on library property.

  • Treat the library, people and property in a respectful manner.  Eating and drinking at the study tables only.  Please clean up trash and notify library staff of any spills.  

  • Talk in moderate tones. 

  • Set cell phones to silent/vibrate before entering.

  •  Observe that the computer lab is a designated quiet zone.  

  •  Observe copyright laws.

  •  Obtain approval from library staff for any signs or flyers before they are displayed within the library.

  •  Be fully clothed while in the library, this includes wearing a shirt and shoes. 

  •  Leave pets outside.  Service animals are allowed.

  •  Refrain from loitering in the stacks or anywhere on the premises.

  •  Refrain from using the library’s facilities for personal bathing.  

  •  Refrain from bringing alcohol and/or illegal drugs into the library or onto library grounds. 

  •  Refrain from entering the library with items the general population views as     threatening or that could damage library materials. 

  •  Refrain from unapproved selling or soliciting.

  •  Evacuate the building during an emergency (such as the event of a tornado warning, fire or bomb scare) or go to the designated safe areas when deemed necessary by staff. 

  • At closing time, all patrons must leave the building promptly. 
Failure to adhere to this conduct may result in a suspension of library privileges

While on Library Property:
  • Smoking is not allowed.

  • Please park bicycle in the bike rack.  Roller blades, skateboards, and other outdoor sporting equipment may not be used within the library.
 (Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 9-14-2015)

C. Computer and Internet Use Policy
Computers are available for public use in the Oakland Public Library. The uses for these computers include searching the library’s card catalog, word processing and internet access. Wireless internet is provided by the library offering service to those patrons entering with their own internet devices.
It is the responsibility of the patron to demonstrate good judgment, respect for others and appropriate conduct while using the computers. Using the computers is a privilege which may be revoked at any time for conduct which, at the sole discretion of library management, is deemed inappropriate, irresponsible or disturbing to other patrons or staff.
The library does not endorse the content, accuracy or various viewpoints accessed through the internet. The internet content is filtered on select machines; however filters may be lifted at the discretion of the librarian.
1. Authorization for Internet Access
Patrons aged 14 years and over, must have a valid library card or provide personal identification to library staff at the circulation desk for authorization to use a computer. Patrons under age 14 must have access to a valid library card and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with appropriate identification.
When you access the internet you leave the Oakland Public Library. The library has no control over the information accessed through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The library does reserve the right to question material accessed on its computer terminals for its appropriateness in a public setting.
Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the internet information accessed by their children.
2. Time Allocation
Computer sessions are for 30 minutes on a first come first served basis. If no one is waiting, the librarian may grant patrons extended time on the computer. If a patron is asked to vacate a computer, they are expected to do so promptly.

3. User Assistance
The library does not routinely provide computer training. Personal assistance may be arranged by appointment as time allows.
4. Prohibitions
The following activities are prohibited and may subject the patron to prosecution by local, state, or federal officials. You agree to the terms and conditions at the time that you use any computer at the Oakland Public Library:
a. Installing of modifying software.
b. Downloading of information.
c. Entering into a dialog where the user’s identity is ascribed to the library’s computer.
d. Destruction of damage to equipment, software or data belonging to the library.
e. Unauthorized monitoring or disruption of electronic communications.
f. Unauthorized use or destruction of data belonging to others.
g. Unauthorized copying or transmittal of copyright protected data.
h. Harassing, libeling or slandering of others.

(Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 7-7-10, effective same)

D. Circulation Policy
All residents of the City of Oakland are eligible for a library card at no cost. Non-residents are currently eligible under the same conditions. Children under the age 8 must have a parents or guardian sign their library card. In all cases, personal identification with address verification may be required before a library card is issued.
Registration and circulation statistics are reported monthly to the library board and the city council, and yearly to the Nebraska Library Commission. All individual registration and circulation records of this library are confidential and shall not be disclosed to or examined by the public. The individual circulation record is defined as materials checked out by the patron.
1. Materials
a. Books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed once upon request. There is no limit to the number of books that may be checked out except: 1) at the librarian’s discretion and 2) new cardholders may check out no more the 5 items at a time for the first 6 months.
b. Magazines may be checked out for one week and renewed once upon request. Current issues are not available for check out. Magazines may be checked out 4 to a barcoded bag.
c. Reference materials will not be allowed for check out. Patrons may photocopy pages from reference materials at the current fee charged set by the library board for copies.
d. Audio books may be checked out for 2 weeks and renewed once upon request.
e. Videos may be checked out for 1 week. There will be no renewals of videos. A limit of 3 videos may be checked out at one time per household.
2. Reserved Materials
The library will reserve circulating materials on a first come first served basis. Patrons may be notified through their library account contact information as materials become available. Reserved materials must be checked out within 3 business days of notification or it will be returned to circulation.
3. Lost, Damaged, and Overdue Materials
Library materials are overdue if they are not returned to the circulation desk or drop box by closing time on the date the item is due. Borrowing privileges will be suspended for any patron who has materials thirty days overdue. Patrons will be charged appropriate fees whenever delinquent materials are returned.
After materials are 60 days overdue, the library may declare the item(s) lost and withdraw the item from the collection. The patron will then be charged the replacement cost of the item(s) and a $5.00 administrative fee per item. The patron will lose library privileges until full restitution has been made.
(Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 7-7-10, effective same)
4. Fines for Lost, Damaged, and Overdue Materials:
Library materials are overdue if they are not returned to the circulation desk or book drop by closing time on the date the item is due.
• Overdue books will have a fine of 5 cents per day.
• Overdue magazines will have a fine of 10 cents per day.
• Overdue videos and audio books will have a fine of 25 cents per day.
Fines in excess of $3.00 must be paid and the item(s) returned or the patron will lose library privileges until full restitution is made. Library materials not returned after 60 days will be considered lost. Library materials lost or damaged beyond repair will result in a fine equal to the replacement cost plus a $5.00 administrative fee.
Special arrangements for extended check out periods on materials to local teachers for use of materials in the class room will not be charged late fees, but will be charged for items considered lost or damaged.
(Fine Policy - Drafted 2-3-10/Approved 3-3-2010/Effective 4-3-2010)

5. Inter library Loan
Patrons will be charged one-way postage on the requested material. This fee is due at the time of the receipt of the material, prior to check out. This fee will be charged to the patron's account even if the patron declines to pick up the requested material.
The Library staff will attempt to notify a patron that material has arrived, however it is the responsibility of the patron to check on its arrival within ten days of the request. The Patron should provide the library with a current telephone number or email address at the time the request is made.
Requests for an extension on the return date must be made within a week prior to due date and are contingent upon the borrowing library.
Patron is responsible for late fees incurred or damage to inter library loan materials.
(Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 8-4-10, effective same)

 E. Collection Development Policy
1.     The Oakland Public Library gathers materials, both print and non-print, on subjects of interest to the service area. In collecting these materials, the library adheres to the principles embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to read and this policy statement.

2.     The library collection is kept relevant by adding purchased or donated items that enhance existing resources, taking into account the interest of the service area as well as the accessibility of information from other community and available outside sources.

·        Items of local significance are added to the collection whenever possible and are generally not discarded or circulated if deemed irreplaceable.

·        Popular fiction and non-fiction titles for all ages constitute a major emphasis of the library collection. Titles with lasting value will be added to the library permanent collection as resources allow.

·        Periodical titles purchased include those covering current issues, popular culture, hobbies, and regional news.

·        The library maintains a video collection consisting largely of entertainment DVDs. Special emphasis is placed on titles of lasting value.

3.     Selection of materials to be added, whether purchased or donated follows standard guidelines:
·         The final responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of policies set by the Oakland Public Library Board.

·         At least one of the following criteria will be used in material selection: need and interest of the library’s users and anticipated users, accuracy and responsibility of the author, effective expression, significance of the subject or the item’s relationship to the collection.

·         Selection criteria for audio-visual and other non-print materials include such factors as artistic and technical standards.
·         Standard selection tools, such as but not limited to book reviews from professional journals, best-seller lists, and other professional library publications are used to determine usefulness of all print and non-print materials.

·         Patron requests are considered, but must meet previous criteria.
4.      Library Funding
·         Additions to the library’s collection are dependent upon available funds. The library secures the best discount possible.

·         Funds are provided to the library primarily by the City of Oakland, the Burt County Board of Supervisors, and the State of Nebraska. Requirements to attain said funds are achieved by meeting certification and accreditation standards.
5.       Gifts and Donations
·        The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the director can dispose of them as seen fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied purchased materials are applied to gifts.

·        Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. It is desirable for gifts of or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the library director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested.

·        The library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.

6.      Weeding
·        The collection is systematically weeded to maintain attractiveness, ease of use and to allow space for new purchases.

·        Weeding criteria includes: obsolete, inaccurate or outdated information; low circulation; damaged condition; and duplication when no longer needed.
7.      Complaints
·         The Oakland Public Library recognizes that some materials may be challenged. Selection of material is not to be made on the anticipated approval/disapproval, but solely on the principles stated in this policy.
·         Responsibility for children’s use of materials rests with their parents or legal guardians.
·         Patrons requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a signed Complaint form which is available in the library. The Library Director will consider the complaint and respond in writing with seven working days. If the patron is not satisfied at that time, he/she may request to be placed on the agenda for the following board meeting.

(Approved by the Oakland Public Library Board 8-4-10, effective