Another year has come and gone. I hope you are able to count more blessings in your life than anything else. My wish for 2011 is that it is a year of sharing. Sharing of our time, our gifts, our knowledge, our skills, our kindness…I could go on but I hope you understand and keep adding to the list yourselves as you share it with others.
During times of financial strain, the one thing that rewards both the giver and the receiver is the sharing of human kindness in any form. The library is always here as a gift to the community. Our resources and services are here to benefit you.
We hope that you continue to enjoy what your library can offer you and that you consider “paying it forward”. Would you consider being a reader during storytime? Do you have a craft for small children that you would volunteer to lead? Do you have a skill that you can teach or share with others? (Here you may surprise yourself by how simple the answer ‘yes’ really is.) Please give this some thought and contact the library soon.
We wish you all a safe and blessed New Year!!